Walkers 2 Runners
07786 222637


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What distance will we cover in each session?
    The distance covered will vary according to the type of session but you can expect to cover anything from 2.5km to 5km in Walkfit and Jogfit sessions and up to 6 or 7 km (depending on your speed) in a Runfit session. Most of the time you will not even realise how far you have run (or walked/jogged!).

  • What clothes should I wear?
    Loose, comfortable clothing is essential. Tracksuit bottoms, leggings or shorts for the lower half and a T-shirt for your torso will be fine. I would advise coming along to the session in a tracksuit top which you can take off for the exercise, then put on once the session has finished so that you don’t get cold. We will go out whatever the weather so a lightweight waterproof might also be useful. For advice on trainers and bras see the ‘Kit’ page.

  • Should I bring water?
    Yes. However, depending on the type of session, you should only need to take a few sips at the start, and leave it in your car to return to at the end. It can be a bit cumbersome carrying a water bottle on a steady run, but you may be glad of it during an interval session. I can advise at the start of each.

  • I am a bit unfit. Will I be able to keep up?

    Of course. Each session will be planned to accommodate a variety of abilities; you can take it at a pace that is comfortable to you.

  • Will I get lost if I am at the back of the group?
    I hope not! As in the response above, the sessions are designed to accommodate a range of abilities; I will ensure that nobody gets left behind.

  • I would like to join but there isn’t a time that suits. What should I do?

    Please feel free to contact me with any suggestions. I have tried to provide a timetable with a range of options but if there is sufficient demand I can adapt the times and sessions to suit.