Walkers 2 Runners
07786 222637

power trainingOther Sessions

Difficulty Level: Medium - Hard

Other Sessions

Easy Runs
Tuesday  08:45am Hawkhurst
Long Social Runs
Sunday  09:00am Various locations
1 Session  £2.00
Straight Run  £4.00
Session  £5.00
Block of Six  £20.00
Associate Membership PA  £120.00
Full Membership PA  £150.00

Sunday Socials are long, easy runs in a variety of locations. They take in a range of terrain and may include stiles, gates and other natural hurdles.

Away runs are just that! Sometimes a straight run but down at Rye Harbour, Camber Sands or other locations, they usually take place on a Saturday and may also involve a specific session.

Zero-to-30. This is a beginners’ course based on the programme designed by Bruce Tulloh. Set over twelve weeks, it takes you from ‘zero’ to ‘30’ minutes of running, building the time spent running incrementally. Courses are run once or twice per year depending on demand.